Student Wellbeing

Melbourne Archdiocese of Catholic Schools has developed a long-term plan to be implemented across each Catholic School: Forming Lives to Enrich the World, 2030.


‘Every student is inspired and enabled to flourish and enrich the world’.

The dignity and worth of every student is the central element of what parents value about a Catholic education. We aim to motivate and enable students to act, flourish and enrich the world around them.’

Wellbeing encompasses mental, physical, emotional and spiritual health. It is an important issue recognised in our teaching and learning, both explicitly and implicitly. As we know mental health is impacting many in our society and so we aim to equip our young people with strategies to deal with the many challenges and triumphs that they will face in their lives.


St. Therese is working hard to develop students who will flourish into their best selves. Students who are able to adapt to a fast-changing world. Young people who have confidence in themselves and respect for others. The St. Therese Strategic Plan for Wellbeing is our guide, and our faith is our context. The Personal and Social Capability and the Intercultural and Ethical Thinking Capability from the Victorian Curriculum will be included in class lessons. We also aim to imbue our students with a critical and creative way of thinking about their world.


Everything we do in our school community is guided by our Catholic Faith, which is seen in our interactions with one another. Our core values of Respect, Gratitude, and Compassion underpin all of our actions and form the basis for our behaviours.

Every student is inspired and enabled to flourish and enrich the world’.

The dignity and worth of every student is the central element of what parent’s value about a Catholic education. We aim to motivate and enable students to act, flourish and enrich the world around them.
— Forming Lives to enrich the World, 2030.

SchoolTV for Parents and Caregivers